Salamat Erejepov- speaker of CACCC 2020

7 October 2020
Salamat Erejepov- speaker of CACCC 2020

The Third Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC 2020) will be held online on October 19-23, 2020. The objective of the conference is to strengthen a regional dialogue on climate change and sustainable development through the information and knowledge exchange in Central Asia. You can get more detailed information on the CACCC-2020 here.

A series of our publications will be dedicated to the speakers of the upcoming event. And, today, we would like to introduce you to Salamat Erejepov, Regional Officer for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Country Programming Division, Green Climate Fund. His presentation on the challenges and opportunities related to the financing of climate initiatives in Central Asia will take place on October 22 as a part of the thematic session of the CACCC 2020 fourth day.


Salamat Erejepov is a Regional Officer for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund.

He joined the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in 2017 to support the Accreditation Panel experts. In 2018, he was already appointed to his current role - Regional Officer for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Currently, Salamat Erejepov coordinates the relationships with the countries of Central Asia, Caucasus and Western Balkans (EECA) to implement Readiness projects and build the capacity of country NDAs and implementing partners to enhance their access to the GCF resources. Salamat Erejepov also acts as a focal point from GCF to the NDC Partnership and manages the global initiatives to support the NDC enhancement in countries.

Besides, Salamat Erejepov:

  • has more than 10 years of experience related to design and implementation of climate change grant projects and technical assistance;

  • holds a master’s degree in Climate Change and Development;

  • possesses hands on expertise in grant project development and implementation, GCF accreditation process, national communications and reporting under the UNFCCC.

Stay tuned for further updates to know about other speakers of the CACCC-2020

