Regional Firm on Assessment of climate-smart agricultural activities in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

Regional Firm on

Assessment of climate-smart agricultural activities in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

1.       Background

On November 3, 2015, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved an allocation of US$38 million from the International Development Association (IDA) to finance the first phase of the CAMP4ASB regional program. This approved financing includes US$9 million for Tajikistan, US$14 million for Uzbekistan, and US$15 million for regional activities to be implemented by the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS) with support from the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) for day-to-day regional coordination and implementation.

The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) aims to enhance regionally coordinated access to improved climate change knowledge services for key stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, communities, and civil society) in participating Central Asian countries as well as to increased investments and capacity building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries. CAMP4ASB[1] is comprised of three components as follows:

Component 1: Regional Climate Knowledge Services

Component 2: Regional Climate Investment Facility

Component 3: Regional and National Coordination

To strengthen the knowledge and capacity base for climate action and facilitate regional dialogue and multi-stakeholder engagement for an effective climate response at scale

To provide financing and technical assistance to rural communities for climate-smart investments that will generate lessons and experience for scaled-up climate action in priority areas common to all Central Asian countries

For oversight, coordination, and implementation support at regional and national levels


1.1. Strengthening the Information Platform for Central Asia

1.2. Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems

1.3. Developing methodologies, approaches, and tools for decision support

1.4. Developing knowledge products

1.5. Building capacity

1.6. Setting up a Climate Investment Assessment Mechanism

1.7. Outreach and coalition building


2.1. Investment Financing

2.2. Capacity Building and Community Support


3.1 Regional Coordination

3.2 National Coordination

This assignment is to be carried under the Component 1 of the CAMP4ASB project, “Regional Climate Knowledge Services”, and refers to the following sub-activities of the project: 1.6. “Climate Investment Assessment”. The project sub-activity resulted in regular on-field assessments in participating countries (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and produced a methodology with assessment tools to feed into climate investment assessment mechanism.

It is known that sub-loans in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are different in nature and disbursement. While NCU in Tajikistan targets small scale loans for individual farmers and addresses agricultural activities at the household level at most, NCU in Uzbekistan allocated the bulk of investments to support climate resilient measures at the larger scale and primarily targets construction of big greenhouses. Hence, in Tajikistan, a number of loans is expected to be higher with the budget allowing them to continue the project in the following two years, while Uzbekistan already allocated the whole amount of sub-loans budget and maintains operating activities at most.

Taking into consideration the abovementioned peculiarities of sub-loans in both countries as well as developed methodology, it is important to (1) perform the regular annual assessment of climate investments in Tajikistan and test the methodology and tools, which have been elaborated within the scope of the project, and (2) conduct a case study to assess the adaptive capacity to climate change of greenhouses technologies and replication potential in other project’s areas in Uzbekistan.

2.       Objectives of the assignment   

The main objective of the evaluation is to support the Regional and National Coordination Units (RCU and NCUs) in assessing climate-smart agricultural activities supported by credit line of the CAMP4ASB in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Other objectives are:

-          Assess if the sub-loans in both countries address climate resilience, associated social and environmental spillover effects and;

-          Draw on lessons learned and recommendations that will guide NCUs in better targeting of their sub-loans to climate-smart agriculture both within CAMP4ASB and beyond

3.       Scope of work and tasks

The Consultant (Firm) is expected to perform two assignments in participating countries, including:

1.       Regular annual assessment of climate investments in Tajikistan and test the methodology, which has been elaborated within the scope of the project[2].

2.       Conduct a case study to assess the adaptive capacity to climate change of greenhouses technologies and replication potential in other project’s areas in Uzbekistan.

While the first assignment envisages the use and testing of the already-existent methodology, the assignment for Uzbekistan foresees the development of a new one to address the objectives of the case study. The Consultant (Firm) expects to produce two separate assessment reports for both countries, going in parallel.

Regular climate investment assessment report for Tajikistan should include:

-          Summary on the surveyed sub-projects with owner/household information, geographical location, range of the loan amount, retrospective information on farm specialization and performance, and supported agricultural activities, household profile;

-          Detailed information on the evaluation results, with findings and conclusions per each surveyed sub-project;

-          Lessons learnt and recommendations for NCU in Tajikistan on improving sub-loans pre-assessment process and better scoring for CSA practices and technologies;

-          Conclusions and recommendations on the promotion of CSA practices in Tajikistan and the region.

-          Modification and adjustment of the «Methodology for Assessment of Climate Risks and Adaptation Measures», in close cooperation with NCU and RCU.

The outline of the case study for Uzbekistan will be developed by the consultant and agreed as one of the deliverables.


Deliverables (All Deliverables are due in Russian and English):





Individual work plan, which takes into consideration two assignments for Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, with indicative timelines for the deliverables and processes formulated and approved.

7 October 2019


Assignment 1: Tajikistan


Description of approach (2-3 p) to perform the assessment in Tajikistan (incl. selected sub-projects for site-visiting and extended programme of visit in the mentioned country in close cooperation with NCU in Tajikistan) developed

14 October 2019


On-field visit and evaluation of the selected sub-projects in Tajikistan performed (takes into account evaluation tools of the “Methodology for Assessment of Climate Risks and Adaptation Measures”)

31 October 2019


Draft report, which reflects on key items of the assessment as pointed out in the scope of work, developed and submitted  

15 November 2019


Final report, which addresses comments and additions from the side of RCU and NCU in Tajikistan, submitted

25 November 2019


Modification and adjustments to the “Methodology for Assessment of Climate Risks And Adaptation Measures” provided

20 December 2019


Assignment 2: Uzbekistan


Methodology for conducting the case study on assessing the adaptive capacity to climate change of greenhouses technologies and replication potential in other project’s areas in Uzbekistan (incl. selected sub-projects for field visiting and extended programme to be agreed with NCU and RCU) developed

25 October 2019


Outline of the case study developed and agreed with RCU

1 November 2019


Data collected and assessment (both desk-top and on-field/site) conducted

22 November 2019


Draft case study along with supplementary files (data, analysis) developed and submitted for review

10 December 2019


Final case study, which addresses comments and additions from the side of RCU and NCU in Uzbekistan, submitted

25 December 2019


Information sharing activities


Presentation of findings and recommendations of both assessments on national and regional project events

January-May 2020

4.       Qualification and experience requirement


·      The Firm should have at least 7 years of experience in agricultural development, climate change, natural resources management, with focus on research and/or program analysis, monitoring and evaluation

·      Capacity to have enough human resources and technical experience to conduct two assignments in parallel in two countries; and ability to work under pressure

·      Work experience in the field of climate change and/or environment is a must

Personal qualities of the expert’s team:

·      Project and research-based knowledge on agricultural structure and practices in Central Asian countries; and on surrounding institutional, social, climatic and technological factors

·      Excellent communication, including report writing, and inter-personal skills

·      Excellent team-players

·      Evidence of strong analytical skills, and problem identification and solving

Communication and computer skills of the expert’s team:

·      Computer skills (MS office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, Internet E-mail etc.) are required

·      Fluency in written and spoken English and Russian

5.       Timeline and Reporting

The estimated duration of the consultancy will be October-May 2020. Tentative number of working days is up to 50.

The Firm shall report to the CAMP4ASB RCU Coordinator.

[1] For more details about the project and description of all components and subcomponents please, refer to the CAMP4ASB Project Appraisal Document (PAD)

[2] Methodology for assessment of climate risks and adaptation measures, 2019, available at the RCU/CAREC

Mr. Sanzhar Mustafin,

Procurement Specialist

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
