The seminar “Assessment of Climate Risks and Vulnerabilities in the territory of Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex (Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan)” was held online on August 27, 2021.
The event brought together the experts and government representatives of Turkmenistan, representatives of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) and international consultants on climate change assessment.
The participants reviewed the results of the assessment of climate risks and vulnerability under three components: (1) overall impact, (2) geographical sensitivity, and (3) socio-economic component. They also learnt approaches to increase investments in climate change adaptation and ways and measures to adapt climate change in the territory to Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex.
According to the results of the assessment, in a negative scenario of climate change, Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex may face an increase in periods of drought and heavy precipitation, unstable land productivity, water scarcity and risk of drought, and anthropogenic land degradation. Socio-economic conditions and population growth are additional factors contributing to climate change vulnerability.
Hydroc experts basing on their results of the assessment of climate risk and vulnerability offered the participants recommendations for climate change adaptation at the national and local levels. They proposed a number of necessary methodologies, mechanisms and tools for integrating the developed adaptation methods into the national policies, legislation and investment programmes.
For example, environmental ecosystem solutions and spatial planning were proposed as priority approaches to planning and adaptation to climate change.
The participants of the seminar highlighted the importance to consider climate change in decision-making and strengthening institutional cooperation.
HYDROC expert Georg Petersen noted that coordinated adaptation to climate change will bring economic benefits, create new employment opportunities and reduce future expenditure.
The seminar “Assessment of Climate Risks and Vulnerabilities in the territory of Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex (Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan)” was organized by the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) within the framework of the regional project of the World Bank / EC IFAS “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin" (CAMP4ASB) and the European Union funded project “Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy And Food Security Nexus And Multi-sector Investment (Phase II)”.
Summary: Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex controls the flow of the Amu Darya and distributes water and energy resources between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Its water resources are used to irrigate 779,300 hectares of irrigated land in Uzbekistan and 425,000 hectares in Turkmenistan. It generates 450 million kWh of electricity in Uzbekistan, serves as a source of drinking water for the Khorezm region and Karakalpakstan. It also regulates the seasonal hydrological regime of the Amu Darya and the water flow for the Tahiatash Hydro Complex in Uzbekistan. Moreover, Tuyamuyun Hydro Complex prevents the banks of the Amu Darya River stream from being washed away below the object.